Holistic Leadership Circles: Harnessing the Power of Group Support for Purpose-Driven Women Leaders

Are you a purpose-driven woman who finds yourself at the crossroads of ambition and burnout?

The pressure to excel, coupled with the desire to make a meaningful impact, can be overwhelming. Enter the Holistic Leadership Circle – a transformative group coaching program designed to help women leaders succeed without sacrificing their well-being. 

Why Group Support and Coaching is Essential

Group coaching provides a unique blend of support, accountability, and shared learning that individual coaching simply can't match. Here's why joining a community like the Circle can be a game-changer:

1. Shared Experiences and Collective Wisdom

According to a study by the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, group coaching participants reported a 27% increase in their ability to address complex leadership challenges. 

2. Enhanced Accountability

Research from the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) shows that people are 65% more likely to meet a goal after committing to another person. This likelihood increases to 95% when they have regular check-ins. 

3. Emotional and Psychological Support

A report by the Harvard Business Review highlighted that 75% of female executives believe that having a peer support network is crucial to their career development. 

4. Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

According to LinkedIn's Global Talent Trends report, 70% of professionals hired through networking were hired at companies where they had a network connection. 

Building Your Own Community of Support

If you're not yet part of a group like the Holistic Leadership Circle, here are some steps to build your own community of support:

1. Identify Your Needs and Goals

Determine what you need most in your leadership journey – whether it's accountability, emotional support, or professional development. This clarity will help you seek out the right people.

2. Seek Like-Minded Individuals

Look for women who share your passion for purpose-driven leadership. Professional networks, social media groups, and industry events are great places to start.

3. Create Regular Meeting Opportunities

Establish regular meetings to ensure consistent support and accountability. This could be monthly coffee catch-ups, online meetups, or even quarterly retreats.

4. Foster a Safe and Supportive Environment

Encourage open and honest communication. A safe space where everyone feels valued and heard is crucial for the success of your community.

5. Engage in Continuous Learning

Share resources, attend workshops together, and bring in guest speakers to keep the learning and growth ongoing. 

The power of group support and coaching cannot be overstated. By surrounding yourself with a community of purpose-driven women, you not only enhance your own leadership journey but also contribute to a collective movement towards sustainable success and well-being. Whether through the Circle or a community you build yourself, the key is to find your tribe and grow together.

About the Holistic Leadership Circle

The Circle is designed for:

- Women Facing Leadership Challenges: Addressing impostor syndrome, confidence issues, and visibility challenges.

- Professionals Seeking Sustainable Practices:  Providing strategies to manage burnout and chronic stress.

- Women Committed to Growth: Offering a community for continuous personal and professional development.

- Purpose-Driven Professionals: Empowering women passionate about making a positive impact in their organizations and communities.

Join the Holistic Leadership Circle and be part of a community that lifts you up, holds you accountable, and helps you thrive. Together, we can redefine what it means to be a successful leader without sacrificing our well-being.


Embracing Leadership Insights: A Journey with SheLeads


Small Changes for Big Impact