Embracing Leadership Insights: A Journey with SheLeads

Good afternoon, SheLeads community!

Let’s take a moment to laugh, reflect, and embrace the unique energy we’ve cultivated today. Starting with a little humor, “Hi, I'm Weird Barbie, I am in the splits, I have a funky haircut, and I smell like basement. Oh, that was earlier.”

Now, transitioning to the more familiar: “I am Terri Allred. I still like to do splits and have a funky haircut, but hopefully, I don’t smell like basement anymore.”

As we gather for this closing keynote, let's harness the energy and momentum of our shared experiences and carry them forward into our communities.

The Power of Heart Energy

Did you know that we can feel the energy of another person from three feet away? This energy is heart energy. The HeartMath Institute has researched and found that the heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body.

If you've ever been in a situation where someone's bad mood impacts everyone around them, you've experienced this phenomenon. Today, we have been in a space where we are learning, growing, and connecting—restorative experiences that cause our heart energy to positively impact others.

So, when I say I want us to go forward, having harnessed the energy and momentum of our shared experiences, I mean it literally—sharing the joy, pride, laughter, and excitement.

Reflecting on Our Journey

Today, we've spent time understanding ourselves, our strengths, and our potential. As we look at the opportunities ahead and the impact we can make in our teams, communities, and beyond, I have a question for you.

“So, what’ll it be then? You can go back to your regular life and forget this ever happened, or you can know the truth about the universe.

Are you with me? Parade wave if you want to move forward.

Now, it's time to talk about your learnings and plan for how you will share them when you go home. Throughout our time together, I invite you to actively participate, share your thoughts, breakthroughs, and commitments to action. This isn't just a speech; it's a collaborative effort to turn our insights into tangible plans for leadership.

Key Learnings and Immediate Applications

Reflect on your key learnings from today's sessions. Today has been a journey of discovery, gaining new perspectives, insights, and strategies for effective leadership. From embracing authenticity to fostering inclusion, each session has offered valuable lessons to shape our leadership approach.

At the Holistic Leadership Academy, we encourage our participants to immediately find ways to reflect and apply what they are learning. So, we are going to do that today!

So, what did you learn? What resonated with you the most? What key insights will you carry forward from today?

Take a moment to jot down your thoughts and, if you feel comfortable, share them with your neighbor.

Thank you for sharing your reflections. It's incredible to see the wealth of knowledge and experience in this room. Now, let's channel that collective wisdom into action.

Implementing Change

What will you do differently? Insights become more valuable when we apply them in our daily lives.

One thing I am trying to do differently is acknowledge the value of inaction. I have been focusing my coaching and work on helping women leaders succeed at work without sacrificing their wellbeing. Inspired by Tricia Hersey, founder of the Nap Ministry and author of "Rest is Resistance," I am embracing rest as an essential part of productivity and leadership.

Think about one specific change you can implement based on what you've learned today. Whether it's adopting a new leadership practice, initiating a difficult conversation, or prioritizing self-care and rest, commit to taking concrete steps towards growth.

Take another moment to jot down your thoughts and share them with your neighbor.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts about what you will do differently.

Sharing Our Insights

Lastly, what will you share? Our journey as leaders is not solitary; it's a collaborative endeavor fueled by shared experiences and knowledge.

One of the things I learned today in Dawn’s workshop...

I am a sharer by nature. I learned a few years ago that my Strengths Finder top characteristic is input. When I first learned that, I didn’t understand. People with input as a strength collect things. I collect sea shells, but I am not a “collector.” It wasn’t until I realized I collect information to share with others that it made sense. I absorb information wherever I can find it to help others.

So, for those of you with other magnificent strengths, consider what you will share and to whom. Will you share your insights with your team, colleagues, or maybe even your family? Will you mentor someone who can benefit from your expertise? By sharing our learnings and experiences, we enrich the lives of others and reinforce our understanding and commitment to growth.

Now, turn to your neighbor and discuss what you will share. Find another friend and take a few minutes to discuss your insights and plan for sharing them with others.


Thank you for your thoughtful reflections and engaging discussions. It's inspiring to witness the passion and dedication in this room. As we conclude today, I encourage each of you to carry forward your insights, action plans, and commitment to sharing with others. But our journey doesn't end here. Let's stay connected, support each other, and continue to learn and grow as leaders.


Thank you for your passion, dedication, and commitment to leadership. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond this conference.


Feel free to share your thoughts or suggest any adjustments!


Holistic Leadership Circles: Harnessing the Power of Group Support for Purpose-Driven Women Leaders